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Hi, everyone, my name is Haryun Chee from Galgok elementary school.

I am a girl who has lots of interests about friends, neighbors, the community, the society, the nation and the world. When I was young and I met some people at foreign countries, they used to ask me, ¡°Where are you from?¡± And I answered, ¡°I came from Korea¡±, but they asked me again, ¡°from South Korea or North Korea?¡± At that time, I thought that it was just asked about the region where I had lived before.

But, after learning the history about Korea, I realized that the Korean War was just ended with a ceasefire and our country is still separated each other into South and North regions under two different political regimes.

Now, a lot of things have been changed since the separation 60 years ago.

I think that the individual rights and their happiness are more important and should be more respected than any other political regime and the ideological legitimacy. When I heard that North Korean people and their children are starving in hunger and so much struggling with savagely dehumanizing deeds under the anachronistic one-man rule and socialist leadership, I feel that the unification of South and North Korea should be only way to help them take their long-lost freedom and happiness of life back.

My grandfather was a man who came from Hamgyung-do, a part of North Korea. He had the lifelong ambition for the unification of Korea, even though it was not realized in his time. But now, I would like to fulfill his dream, which means not only the completion of the unification of South and North Korea, but also brings about the creation of Asian union with the collaboration of other countries.

To make my dream come true, I would consider several things to be prepared in advance. Also, I would think about the Germany¡¯s unification, which was unified in 1990. Their successful unification is giving us strong trust in the possibility, but also teaching us to selectively take advantages and disadvantages happened through the whole period of time going toward the unification.

First of all, we need the preparation from our inside, that is, we need a very strong will and aspiration for the unification. It should be based on the needs of whole population, who feels that North Koreans are also our family and that all should become one. The school education for the unification and the activities of a private organization are very important in this role.

Secondly, we need to strengthen the national power such as diplomatic, economic, information, and military power. The unification is the outcome of the national power to absorb the confusion and the difficulties. Especially, the economic power is the most important one to support all the potential impacts before and after the unification. Germany had experienced much of struggles with the economic crisis after the unification and had taken very long time to recover all the issues.

Thirdly, we need to bring about the collaboration of our nearby countries to support our unification. It could be based on the diplomatic power, and it means so-called 2+4 committee to discuss about our practical issues of the unification. North Korea should be come out to talk about our unification without any conditions such as the military threat like the nuclear weapon, or the economic aid program. It would be the first step toward the unification, and our proactive efforts could make a strong leadership to induce the collaboration of other countries.

Lastly, the utilization of the mass media including internet use may be able to make North Korean open minded, and narrow the culture gap, and help all of us have the national consensus on achieving the unification of South and North Korea.

As the result, I believe that the material power based hostility against opposing parties is no longer a good solution to the unification, but rather the understanding and generosity toward each different people could become a real power to support the unification.

Again, the unification of South and North Korea is not a goal, but the basic matter to be necessarily done.

Thanks a lot for your time today.


Total 209
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